A plethora of data sources contain data entities that could be ordered according to a variety of attributes associated with the entities. Such orderings result effectively in a ra...
Given a spatial crime data warehouse, that is updated infrequently and a set of operations O as well as constraints of storage and update overheads, the index type selection probl...
Pradeep Mohan, Ronald E. Wilson, Shashi Shekhar, B...
An important database primitive for commonly used feature databases is the similarity join. It combines two datasets based on some similarity predicate into one set such that the n...
Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Martin Pfeifle, ...
The growing production of maps is generating huge volume of data stored in large spatial databases. This huge volume of data exceeds the human analysis capabilities. Spatial data m...
Shared nothing multiprocessor archit.ecture is known t.obe more scalable to support very large databases. Compared to other join strategies, a hash-ba9ed join algorithm is particu...