Variability modelling with feature models is one key technique for specifying the problem space of Software Product Lines (SPLs). To allow for the automatic derivation of a concre...
Variability modelling with feature models is one key technique for specifying the problem space of software product lines (SPLs). To allow for the automatic derivation of a concre...
Ongoing research in Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) emphasises the derivation of a concrete product based on a given variant configuration as one of the most promising ar...
We study the relation between maps of a high-dimensional stimulus manifold onto an essentially two-dimensional cortical area and low-dimensional maps of stimulus features such as ...
Norbert Michael Mayer, J. Michael Herrmann, Theo G...
Cold-start scenarios in recommender systems are situations in which no prior events, like ratings or clicks, are known for certain users or items. To compute predictions in such ca...
Zeno Gantner, Lucas Drumond, Christoph Freudenthal...