Abstract--Recent studies concerning the Internet connectivity at the AS level have attracted considerable attention. These studies have exclusively relied on the BGP data from Oreg...
Data archivists expect information storage media to have a lifetime greater than ten years. Furthermore they desire the ability to predict when the media will fail in order to pla...
Halftone printing has been developing in a linear manner since the inception of photography. The process of refinement has taken it from one level to another producing increasingl...
Thermal infrared (IR) imagery offers a promising alternative to visible imagery for face recognition due to its relative insensitive to variations in face appearance caused by ill...
George Bebis, Aglika Gyaourova, Saurabh Singh, Ioa...
Background: Microscopists are familiar with many blemishes that fluorescence images can have due to dust and debris, glass flaws, uneven distribution of fluids or surface coatings...