We analyze a massive social network, gathered from the records of a large mobile phone operator, with more than a million users and tens of millions of calls. We examine the distr...
A multi-mode network typically consists of multiple heterogeneous social actors among which various types of interactions could occur. Identifying communities in a multi-mode netw...
We propose two approximation algorithms for identifying communities in dynamic social networks. Communities are intuitively characterized as "unusually densely knit" sub...
Visualizing social network data into sociograms plays an important role in communicating information about network characteristics. Previous studies have shown that human percepti...
This paper exploits ethnographic findings to build on and elaborate Grinter et al’s 2005 study of “the work to make the home network work”. We focus particularly on the work ...
Peter Tolmie, Andy Crabtree, Tom Rodden, Chris Gre...