The development of video games comprises engineering teams within various disciplines, e.g., software engineering, game production, and creative arts. Game jams are a promising ap...
In many areas of NLP reuse of utility tools such as parsers and POS taggers is now common, but this is still rare in NLG. The subfield of surface realisation has perhaps come clos...
Anja Belz, Mike White, Josef van Genabith, Deirdre...
Background: In rule-based modeling, graphs are used to represent molecules: a colored vertex represents a component of a molecule, a vertex attribute represents the internal state...
d Abstract) Sara Ahmadian∗ Chaitanya Swamy∗ We consider the lower-bounded facility location (LBFL) problem (also sometimes called load-balanced facility location), which is a ...
Often server systems do not implement the best known algorithms for optimizing average Quality of Service (QoS) out of concern of that these algorithms may be insufficiently fair ...