Many tasks in CAD, such as equivalence checking, property checking, logic synthesis, and false paths analysis require efficient Boolean reasoning for problems derived from circuits...
Andreas Kuehlmann, Viresh Paruthi, Florian Krohm, ...
Formal semantic definitions of concurrent languages, when specified in a well-suited semantic framework and supported by generic and efficient formal tools, can be the basis of pow...
Modern proof assistants such as Coq and Isabelle provide high degrees of expressiveness and assurance because they support formal reasoning in higher-order logic and supply explic...
el Sequential Memory Abstraction for Model Checking Per Bjesse Advanced Technology Group Synopsys Inc. Many designs intermingle large memories with wide data paths and nontrivial c...
Hybrid systems are models for complex physical systems and are defined as dynamical systems with interacting discrete transitions and continuous evolutions along differential equa...