— As is the trend worldwide, India is undergoing rapid urbanization. This means not only that more people than ever before will be living and working in cities, but also that mor...
Monitoring and information services form a key component of a distributed system, or Grid. A quantitative study of such services can aid in understanding the performance limitatio...
Xuehai Zhang, Jeffrey L. Freschl, Jennifer M. Scho...
libtissue is a software system for implementing and testing AIS algorithms on real-world computer security problems. AIS algorithms are implemented as a collection of cells, antig...
This paper addresses the problem of detecting masquerading, a security attack in which an intruder assumes the identity of a legitimate user. Many approaches based on Hidden Marko...
Scott E. Coull, Joel W. Branch, Boleslaw K. Szyman...
Breiman's bagging and Freund and Schapire's boosting are recent methods for improving the predictive power of classi er learning systems. Both form a set of classi ers t...