Videos of multi-player team sports provide a challenging domain for dynamic scene analysis. Player actions and interactions are complex as they are driven by many factors, such as...
Kihwan Kim, Matthias Grundmann, Ariel Shamir, Iain...
In a competitive health-care market, hospitals have to focus on ways to streamline their processes in order to deliver high quality care while at the same time reducing costs. To a...
Ronny Mans, Helen Schonenberg, Giorgio Leonardi, S...
In this paper, we investigate the possibility of using heart sound as a biometric for human identification. The most significant contribution of using heart sound as a biometric is...
Koksoon Phua, Jianfeng Chen, Tran Huy Dat, Louis S...
Docking is the process by which two or several molecules form a complex. Docking involves the geometry of the molecular surfaces, as well as chemical and energetical consideration...
With the proliferation of diverse multimedia terminals, the request for elegantly retargeting videos to different display devices is evident, especially in sports. This demonstra...