Many studies have reported a relationship between urban air pollution levels and respiratory health problems. However, there are notable variations in results, depending on modeli...
Statistical Rate Monotonic Scheduling (SRMS) is a generalization of the classical RMS results of Liu and Layland [LL73] for periodic tasks with highly variable execution times and...
Accurately locating users in a wireless environment is an important task for many pervasive computing and AI applications, such as activity recognition. In a WiFi environment, a m...
Sinno Jialin Pan, James T. Kwok, Qiang Yang, Jeffr...
We study a general online convex optimization problem. We have a convex set S and an unknown sequence of cost functions c1, c2, . . . , and in each period, we choose a feasible po...
Abraham Flaxman, Adam Tauman Kalai, H. Brendan McM...
Information flows in a network where individuals influence each other. The diffusion rate captures how efficiently the information can diffuse among the users in the network. We p...