Agents often interact strategically to meet conditions involving their own or other agents' knowledge. This interaction can be modeled using a new method of game construction...
Sieuwert van Otterloo, Wiebe van der Hoek, Michael...
We first provide a mapping from Pearce’s equilibrium logic and Ferraris’s general logic programs to Lin and Shoham’s logic of knowledge and justified assumptions, a nonmon...
Coalition Logic does not explicitly talk about the effects of a coalitional move on the strategic ability of the remaining players, while in Game Theory reasoning patterns involvi...
Paolo Turrini, Jan Broersen, Rosja Mastop, John-Ju...
Abstract. Church's Problem, stated fifty years ago, asks for a finitestate machine that realizes the transformation of an infinite sequence into an infinite sequence such tha...
Player enjoyment is perhaps the most important issue in successful game design, but is previously not addressed in the area of Pervasive games. Departing from the GameFlow model of...