The availability of inexpensive and powerful graphics cards as well as fast Internet connections make Networked Virtual Environments viable for millions of users and many new appl...
Abstract. Proof-carrying code (PCC) allows a code producer to associate to a program a machine-checkable proof of its safety. In the original approach to PCC, the safety policy inc...
Readylog is a logic-based agent programming language and combines many important features from other Golog dialects. One of the features of Readylog is to make use of decision-theo...
—Authorization logics allow concise specification of flexible access-control policies, and are the basis for logic-based access-control systems. In such systems, resource owner...
Recent research has shown that near optimal performance can be achieved by adaptive block replacement policies that use user-level hints regarding the block reference pattern. How...
Jongmoo Choi, Sam H. Noh, Sang Lyul Min, Yookun Ch...