The trend in microprocessor design toward multicore and manycore processors means that future performance gains in software will largely come from harnessing parallelism. To reali...
Digital watermarking is a promising technology to embed copyright information as unperceivable signals in digital contents. Although various watermarking techniques have been empl...
We introduce Doppelganger, a novel system for creating and enforcing fine-grained, privacy preserving browser cookie policies with low manual effort. Browser cookies pose privacy ...
The UNOS Kidney Allocation Model (UKAM) is a software tool for the simulation and analysis of national cadaveric kidney and kidney-pancreas allocation policies for transplantation...
Sarah E. Taranto, Ann M. Harper, Erick B. Edwards,...
A WebView is a web page automatically created from base data typically stored in a DBMS. Given the multi-tiered architecture behind database-backed web servers, we have the option...