The stream cipher Salsa20 was introduced by Bernstein in 2005 as a candidate in the eSTREAM project, accompanied by the reduced versions Salsa20/8 and Salsa20/12. ChaCha is a varia...
Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Simon Fischer 0002, Shahra...
— Wireless sensor network (WSN) architectures often feature a (single) base station in charge of coordinating the application functionality. Although this assumption simplified ...
The strongest well-known measure for the quality of a universal hash-function family H is its being -strongly universal, which measures, for randomly chosen h H, one's inabi...
In STOC’05, von Ahn, Hopper and Langford introduced the notion of covert computation. In covert computation, a party runs a secure computation protocol over a covert (or stegano...
Based on the FOCUS theory of distributed systems (see [Broy, Stølen 01]) that are composed of interacting components we introduce a formal model of services and layered architectu...