Interactively learning from a small sample of unlabeled examples is an enormously challenging task, one that often arises in vision applications. Relevance feedback and more recen...
ShyamSundar Rajaram, Charlie K. Dagli, Nemanja Pet...
In this paper we introduce the distributed spatio-temporal similarity search problem: given a query trajectory Q, we want to find the trajectories that follow a motion similar to ...
Demetrios Zeinalipour-Yazti, Song Lin, Dimitrios G...
Abstract. The problem of perfectly secure message transmission concerns two synchronized non-faulty processors sender (S) and receiver (R) that are connected by a synchronous netwo...
Abstract. Defining persistence in terms of reachability is fundamental to achieving orthogonality of persistence. It is implicit to the principles of orthogonal persistence and is ...
John N. Zigman, Stephen Blackburn, J. Eliot B. Mos...
The goal of this paper is to give an overview of the basics of the theory of RDF databases. We provide a formal definition of RDF that includes the features that distinguish this m...