This paper introduces the Multimodal Multi-view Integrated Database (MMID), which holds human activities in presentation situations. MMID contains audio, video, human body motions...
Yuichi Nakamura, Yoshifumi Kimura, Y. Yu, Yuichi O...
The objective of this paper is to investigate the problems related to the extensional integration of information sources. In particular, we propose an approach for managing incons...
The learning-enhanced relevance feedback has been one of the most active research areas in content-based image retrieval in recent years. However, few methods using the relevance ...
Relational, XML and HTML data can be represented as graphs with entities as nodes and relationships as edges. Text is associated with nodes and possibly edges. Keyword search on s...
Paralleldatabasesystemshaveto supportboth inter-transaction as well as intra-transaction parallelism. Inter-uansaction parahelism (multi-user mode) is required to achieve high thr...