/Background The SOLAR and HELIOSPHERIC OBSERVATORY (SOHO) project [SOHO Web Page] is being carried out by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the US National Aeronautics and Space ...
Walt Truszkowski, Nick Netreba, Don Ginn, Sanda Ma...
The ubiquitous SSH package has demonstrated the importance of secure remote login and execution. As remote execution tools grow in popularity, users require new features and exten...
Michael Kaminsky, Eric Peterson, Daniel B. Giffin,...
Auditing a web site’s content is an arduous task. For any given page on a web server, system administrators are often ill-equipped to determine who created the document, why itâ...
This paper aims to and illustrate that simulation and queuing theory can and should go hand in hand for a variety of practical problems, both in daily-life and industry, which are...
Brokers are used in many multi-agent systems for locating agents, for routing and sharing information, for managing the system, and for legal purposes, as independent third partie...
Sanjeev Kumar, Philip R. Cohen, Hector J. Levesque