Modern applications are becoming increasingly more dynamic and flexible. In Java software, one important flexibility mechanism is dynamic class loading. Unfortunately, the vast ...
Abstract. In this project we present a framework for a multi-touch surface using multiple cameras. With an overhead camera and side-mounted camera we determine the three dimensiona...
We present a distributed topology control protocol that runs on a d-QUDG for d ≥ 1/ √ 2, and computes a sparse, constant-spanner, both in Euclidean distance and in hop distance...
Kevin M. Lillis, Sriram V. Pemmaraju, Imran A. Pir...
In this paper we develop a novel probabilistic model of computational trust that explicitly deals with correlated multi-dimensional contracts. Our starting point is to consider an...
Steven Reece, Alex Rogers, Stephen Roberts, Nichol...
We derive optimal bidding strategies for a global bidding agent that participates in multiple, simultaneous second-price auctions with perfect substitutes. We first consider a mo...
Enrico H. Gerding, Rajdeep K. Dash, David C. K. Yu...