The Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) allows a program to create real-time threads with hard real-time constraints. Real-time threads use region-based memory management to ...
Chandrasekhar Boyapati, Alexandru Salcianu, Willia...
Typed assembly languages provide a way to generate machinecheckable safety proofs for machine-language programs. But the soundness proofs of most existing typed assembly languages...
Sensor networks often involve the monitoring of mobile phenomena. We believe this task can be facilitated by a spatiotemporal multicast protocol which we call “mobicast”. Mobi...
Coalition formation is a key problem in automated negotiation among self-interested agents, and other multiagent applications. A coalition of agents can sometimes accomplish thing...
We prove the existence of -Nash equilibrium strategies with support logarithmic in the number of pure strategies. We also show that the payoffs to all players in any (exact) Nash...
Richard J. Lipton, Evangelos Markakis, Aranyak Meh...