The MANTIS MultimodAl system for NeTworks of In-situ wireless Sensors provides a new multithreaded embedded operating system integrated with a general-purpose single-board hardwar...
Hector Abrach, Shah Bhatti, James Carlson, Hui Dai...
We consider the problem of reconstructing a compact 3manifold (with boundary) embedded in R3 from its crosssections with a given set of cutting planes having arbitrary orientation...
Recognizing graphic objects from binary images is an important task in many real-life applications. Generally, there are two ways to do the graphics recognition: onestep methods a...
We develop a method for generating smooth trajectories for a set of mobile robots. Given two end configurations, by tuning one parameter, the user can choose an interpolating tra...
In the previous reports, we presented a miniature inpipe robot called MRINSPECT (Multifunctional Robotic crawler for INpipe inSPECTion) IV which has been developed for the inspect...