Abstract. Image mosaicing is stirring up a lot of interests in the research community for both its scientific significance and potential spinoff in real world applications. Bein...
Basic data flow patterns which we call idioms, such as stream, transpose, reduction, random access and stencil, are common in scientific numerical applications. We hypothesize tha...
Jiahua He, Allan Snavely, Rob F. Van der Wijngaart...
The use of detailed geometric models is a critical factor for achieving realism in most computer graphics applications. In the past few years, we have observed an increasing deman...
Interactive Data Language (IDL) is an array-oriented data analysis and visualization application, which is widely used in research, commerce, and education. It is meaningful to ma...
A large number of problems in computer vision can be modeled as energy minimization problems in a markov random field (MRF) framework. Many methods have been developed over the y...
Vibhav Vineet, Jonathan Warrell, Philip H. S. Torr