This paper describes an approach to detect unknown event patterns. In this context, an event is not only something that happens, but also something that can be analysed. This task...
Alexander Widder, Rainer von Ammon, Philippe Schae...
The VideoCLEF track, introduced in 2008, aims to develop and evaluate tasks related to analysis of and access to multilingual multimedia content. In its first year, VideoCLEF pilo...
The problem of determining haplotypes from genotypes has gained considerable prominence in the research community since the beginning of the HapMap project. Here the focus is on de...
We present a propagator that achieves MDD consistency for a separable equality over an MDD (multivalued decision diagram) store in pseudo-polynomial time. We integrate the propagat...
When involved in collaborative tasks, users often choose to use multi-synchronous applications in order to concurrently work in isolation. Hence, privacy of their changes is maint...