Effective bug localization is important for realizing automated debugging. One attractive approach is to apply statistical techniques on a collection of evaluation profiles of pr...
—Model-based test derivation for real-time system has been proven to be a hard problem for exhaustive test suites. Therefore, techniques for real-time testing do not aim to exhau...
In today's industry, the design of software tests is mostly based on the testers' expertise, while test automation tools are limited to execution of pre-planned tests on...
One of the characteristicsof object-oriented software is the complex dependency that may exist between classes due to inheritance, association and aggregation relationships. Hence...
In a previous paper, we developed a robotic finger equipped with optical three-axis tactile sensors, of which the sensing cell can separately detect normal and shearing forces. Wit...
Masahiro Ohka, Nobuyuki Morisawa, Hanafiah B. Yuss...