Reasoning about object-oriented programs is hard, due to , dynamic binding and the need for data abstraction and framing. Reasoning about concurrent object-oriented programs is eve...
Background: The pan-genome of a bacterial species consists of a core and an accessory gene pool. The accessory genome is thought to be an important source of genetic variability i...
Chad Laing, Cody Buchanan, Eduardo N. Taboada, Yon...
Background: In the last five years large online resources of human variability have appeared, notably HapMap, Perlegen and the CEPH foundation. These databases of genotypes with p...
Jorge Amigo, Antonio Salas, Christopher Phillips, ...
Models will play a central role in the representation, storage, manipulation, and communication of knowledge in systems biology. Models capable of fulfilling such a role will like...
Background: Two of the mostly unsolved but increasingly urgent problems for modern biologists are a) to quickly and easily analyse protein structures and b) to comprehensively min...