The paper considers the problem of selecting individuals in the current population in Genetic Algorithms for crossover to find a solution of high fitness of a given combinatoria...
Recently, among various data hiding techniques, a new subset, lossless data hiding, has received increasing interest. Most of the existing lossless data hiding algorithms are, howe...
Zhicheng Ni, Yun Q. Shi, Nirwan Ansari, Wei Su, Qi...
Reasoning, problem solving, indeed the general process of acquiring knowledge, is not an isolated, homogenous affair involving a one agent using a single form of representation, b...
Query recommendation has been recognized as an important mean to help users search and also improve the usability of search engines. Existing approaches mainly focus on helping us...
: Extraction of meaningful information from large experimental datasets is a key element of bioinformatics research. One of the challenges is to identify genomic markers in Hepatit...
Kwong-Sak Leung, Kin-Hong Lee, Jin Feng Wang, Eddi...