—Geographic routing protocols like GOAFR or GPSR rely on exact location information at the nodes, because when the greedy routing phase gets stuck at a local minimum, they requir...
We present a distributed topology control protocol that runs on a d-QUDG for d ≥ 1/ √ 2, and computes a sparse, constant-spanner, both in Euclidean distance and in hop distance...
Kevin M. Lillis, Sriram V. Pemmaraju, Imran A. Pir...
Localized geographic single path routing along a wireless network graph requires exact location information about the network nodes to assure message delivery guarantees. Node loc...
Abstract—We study routing overhead due to location information collection and retrieval in mobile ad-hoc networks employing geographic routing with no hierarchy. We first provid...
— Scalable and efficient routing is a main challenge in the deployment of large ad hoc wireless networks. An essential element of practical routing protocols is their accommodat...