During recent years, microprocessor energy consumption has been surging and efforts to reduce power and energy have received a lot of attention. At the same time, virtual executio...
A 4KB page size has been used for Virtual Memory since the sixties. In fact, today, the most common page size is still 4KB. Choosing a page size is finding the middle ground betwe...
This paper reports the results of an experiment to compare three different selection techniques in a tabletop tangible augmented reality interface. Object selection is an importan...
Julian Looser, Mark Billinghurst, Raphael Grasset,...
We describe the development of the CaveUT system, which is a software supporting immersive virtual reality installations based on the Unreal Tournament game engine. CaveUT impleme...
Jeffrey Jacobson, Marc Le Renard, Jean-Luc Lugrin,...
System-level virtualization has been a research topic since the 70’s but regained popularity during the past few years because of the availability of efficient solution such as...