Animated pedagogical agents offer promise as a means of making computer-aided learning more engaging and effective. To achieve this, an agent must be able to interact with the lea...
W. Lewis Johnson, Erin Shaw, Andrew Marshall, Cath...
The Multi-Agent Distributed Goal Satisfaction (MADGS) system facilitates distributed mission planning and execution in complex dynamic environments with a focus on distributed goal...
In the AOSE (Agent-Oriented Software Engineering) area, several research efforts are underway to develop appropriate meta-models for agent-oriented methodologies. Meta-models are ...
The design of a an agent system for robotics is a problem that involves aspects coming from many different disciplines (robotics, artificial intelligence, computer vision, softwa...
Massimo Cossentino, Luca Sabatucci, Antonio Chella
This paper synthesizes two trends in the engineering of agent-based systems. One, modern agent-oriented methodologies deal with the key aspects of software development including re...