Background: The statistical modeling of biomedical corpora could yield integrated, coarse-to-fine views of biological phenomena that complement discoveries made from analysis of m...
David M. Blei, K. Franks, Michael I. Jordan, I. Sa...
The classical probabilistic models attempt to capture the Ad hoc information retrieval problem within a rigorous probabilistic framework. It has long been recognized that the prim...
Decreasing hardware reliability is expected to impede the exploitation of increasing integration projected by Moore's Law. There is much ongoing research on efficient fault t...
Man-Lap Li, Pradeep Ramachandran, Ulya R. Karpuzcu...
The model-view-controller pattern is used to keep a data model and its views consistent. Usually there is a one-to-one correspondence between the data in the model and its represen...
Mechanistic models for transcriptional regulation are derived using the methods of equilibrium statistical mechanics, to model equilibrating processes that occur at a fast time sc...