Production of parallel training corpora for the development of statistical machine translation (SMT) systems for resource-poor languages usually requires extensive manual effort. ...
The success of the relevance feedback search paradigm in image retrieval is influenced by the selection strategy employed by the system to choose the images presented to the user ...
Abstract. Interactively learning from a small sample of unlabeled examples is an enormously challenging task. Relevance feedback and more recently active learning are two standard ...
Charlie K. Dagli, ShyamSundar Rajaram, Thomas S. H...
Active selection of good training examples is an important approach to reducing data-collection costs in machine learning; however, most existing methods focus on maximizing classi...
Prem Melville, Stewart M. Yang, Maytal Saar-Tsecha...
This paper proposes an efficient relevance feedback based interactive model for keyword generation in sponsored search advertising. We formulate the ranking of relevant terms as a...