Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) systems provide a logically shared memory over physically distributed memory to enable parallel computation on Networks of Workstations (NOWs). In ...
During the last few years, the concepts of cluster computing and heterogeneous networked systems have received increasing interest. The popularity of using Java for developing par...
Jameela Al-Jaroodi, Nader Mohamed, Hong Jiang, Dav...
— This paper proposes a controlled-load service that provides a network state with bounded and well known worst-case behavior. The service is primarily developed for real-time ap...
— This paper describes the design and implementation of a protocol scrubber, a transparent interposition mechanism for explicitly removing network attacks at both the transport a...
G. Robert Malan, David Watson, Farnam Jahanian, Pa...
The Acoustic ENSBox [1] is an embedded platform which enables practical distributed acoustic sensing by providing integrated hardware and software support in a single platform. It...