In 2007 Jedwab and Parker proposed [10] that the natural viewpoint for a Golay complementary sequence is as a projection of a multi-dimensional Golay array. In 2008 Fiedler, Jedwa...
For a weighted, undirected graph G = V;E where jVj = n and jEj = m, we examine the single most vital edge with respect to two measurements related to all-pairs shortest paths APSP....
Finding relevant information within the vast amount of information exchanged via feeds is difficult. Previous research into this problem has largely focused on recommending relev...
A widely accepted prediction is that computing will move to the background, weaving itself into the fabric of our everyday living spaces and projecting the human user into the for...
Maja Pantic, Alex Pentland, Anton Nijholt, Thomas ...
This keynote paper argues for an increased understanding of the various roles involved in the development work to be able to achieve the goal of developing increased usability. Hum...