We trace how cultural probes have been adopted and adapted by the HCI community. The flexibility of probes has been central to their uptake, resulting in a proliferation of diverg...
This paper presents an analysis of how and why a new generation of virtual reality peripherals affect virtual reality in general, and its uses for education in particular. We descr...
In this paper we propose a 3-step method for designing emotionally rich interactions, illustrated by the design of an alarm clock. By emotionally rich interaction we understand in...
Stephan Wensveen, Kees Overbeeke, J. P. Djajadinin...
Abstract. Shareability is a design principle that refers to how a system, interface, or device engages a group of collocated, co-present users in shared interactions around the sam...
009), which constitutes an abstraction of the various aspects of a MAS, generalizing the AGR approach and incorporating the institutional work of Searle (Searle 1995). This model i...