A critical resource in a distributed real-time system is its shared communication medium. Unrestrained concurrent access to the network can lead to collisions that reduce the syst...
Abstract. In many cases, users may want to consider incomplete answers to their queries. Often, however, there is an overwhelming number of such answers, even if subsumed answers a...
Most WCET analysis techniques only provide an upper bound on the worst case execution time as a constant value. However, it often appears that the execution time of a piece of cod...
Our LAMDAer team has won the PAKDD'06 Data Mining Competition (Open Category) Grand Champion. This report presents our solution to PAKDD'06 Data Mining Competition. Follo...
Yang Yu, De-Chuan Zhan, Xu-Ying Liu, Ming Li, Zhi-...
The Airline Crew Assignment Problem (ACA) consists of assigning lines of work to a set of crew members such that a set of activities is partitioned and the costs for that assignmen...