This paper describes a system that allows users who obtain a “wearable ID key” to personalize dynamically ubiquitous computers by simply touching them. We call the concept of ...
We describe an experimental wearable augmented reality system that enables users to experience hypermedia presentations that are integrated with the actual outdoor locations to wh...
Cleogo is a novel groupware environment that allows several users to simultaneously develop programs through any mixture of three alternative programming metaphors: a direct manip...
In many educationalsettings,manipulative materials(such as CuisenaireRods andPatternBlocks) play an important role in children’s learning, enabling children to explore mathemati...
Mitchel Resnick, Fred Martin, Robert Berg, Richard...
Flip zooming is a novel focus+context technique for visualizing large data sets. It offers an overview of the data, and gives users instant access to any part. Originally develope...