ion for Epistemic Model Checking of Dining Cryptographers-based Protocols Omar I. Al-Bataineh and Ron van der Meyden School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New S...
Conversations between colleagues in collaborative
software engineering are important for coordinating work,
sharing knowledge and creating knowledge. Overhearing con-
Virtual Open Conversation Spaces: Towards Improved...
We consider the problem of maintaining information about the rank of a matrix M under changes to its entries. For an n × n matrix M, we show an amortized upper bound of O(nω−1)...
Williamson (2000a) has argued that positive introspection is incompatible with inexact knowledge. His argument relies on a margin-for-error requirement for inexact knowledge based...
This paper describes QUEM, a method for assessing the skill level of a knowledge-based system based on the quality of the solutions it produces. QUEM is demonstrated by using it t...