Template matching is one of the key problems in computer vision and has been widely used in tracking, recognition and many other applications. Traditional methods are usually slow...
We propose a novel framework for 3D reassembly, the task of assembling a solid object from its broken pieces. The primary challenge in this under-explored problem is to robustly e...
Devi Parikh, Rahul Sukthankar, Tsuhan Chen, Mei Ch...
This work addresses the problem of human action recognition by introducing a representation of a human action as a collection of short trajectories that are extracted in areas of ...
Antonios Oikonomopoulos, Ioannis Patras, Maja Pant...
The electronic voting machines known as Direct Recording Electronic (DRE), that are used in many states in the US have been shown to contain security vulnerabilities [16, 9, 3]. O...
Automatic separation of text and symbols from graphics in document image is one of the fundamental aims in graphics recognition. In maps, separation of text and symbols from graphi...
Partha Pratim Roy, Eduard Vazquez, Josep Llad&oacu...