The paper describes a metaobject architecture for distributed fault tolerant systems. Basically metaobject protocols enables functional objects to be independent from meta-function...
The use of reflection becomes today popular for the implementation of non-functional mechanisms such as for fault-tolerance. The main benefits of reflection are separation of conc...
Boundeddegreenetworks like deBruijn graphsor wrapped butterfly networks are very important from VLSI implementation point of view as well as for applications where the computing n...
Clock-related operations are one of the many sources of replica non-determinism and of replica inconsistency in fault-tolerant distributed systems. In passive replication, if the ...
Wenbing Zhao, Louise E. Moser, P. M. Melliar-Smith
To be able to fully exploit ever larger computing platforms, modern HPC applications and system software must be able to tolerate inevitable faults. Historically, MPI implementati...
Joshua Hursey, Jeffrey M. Squyres, Timothy Mattox,...