To support applications, such as efficient browsing in large knowledge bases and cooperative knowledge discovery in large databases, the concept of rule similarity is essential. In...
Many dramatizations have depicted a fully automated home living environment, where actions and events are understood or even anticipated. While the realization of such environment...
METU Object-Oriented DBMS 1 includes the implementation of a database kernel, an object-oriented SQL-like language and a graphical user interface. Kernel functions are divided bet...
Asuman Dogac, Cetin Ozkan, Ismailcem Budak Arpinar...
— Search queries on biomedical databases, such as PubMed, often return a large number of results, only a small subset of which is relevant to the user. Ranking and categorization...
Storage systems such as file systems, databases, and RAID systems have a simple, basic contract: you give them data, they do not lose or corrupt it. Often they store the only copy...