Integrating more processor cores on-die has become the unanimous trend in the microprocessor industry. Most of the current research thrusts using chip multiprocessors (CMPs) as th...
Chinnakrishnan S. Ballapuram, Ahmad Sharif, Hsien-...
In many of today's applications, access to storage constitutes the major cost of processing a user request. Data prefetching has been used to alleviate the storage access lat...
In this paper, issues involved in the design of a real-time database which maintains data temporal consistency are discussed. The concept of data-deadline is introduced and time co...
Ming Xiong, Rajendran M. Sivasankaran, John A. Sta...
As the amount of data used by programs increases due to the growth of hardware storage capacity and computing power, efficient memory usage becomes a key factor for performance. Si...
We present a tangible user interface (TUI) called Tangible Graph Builder, that has been designed to allow visually impaired users to access graph and chart-based data. We describe...
David K. McGookin, Euan Robertson, Stephen A. Brew...