The Earliest Deadline First scheduling algorithm (EDF) is known to not be optimal under global scheduling on multiprocessor platforms. Results have been obtained that bound the ma...
Jeremy P. Erickson, UmaMaheswari Devi, Sanjoy K. B...
In a paper published by Greenberg in 1998, it was said that in conversational speech, phone deletion rate may go as high as 12% whereas syllable deletion rate is about 1%. The fi...
Background: Antibacterial peptides are one of the effecter molecules of innate immune system. Over the last few decades several antibacterial peptides have successfully approved a...
Sneh Lata, Nitish K. Mishra, Gajendra P. S. Raghav...
Many domains in the field of Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) involve highly unbalanced data. A common way to measure performance in these domains is to use precision and recall i...
Research experiences for undergraduates are considered an effective means for increasing student retention and encouraging undergraduate students to continue on to graduate school...
Teresa A. Dahlberg, Tiffany Barnes, Audrey Rorrer,...