Abstract. This paper shows how a sparse hypermatrix Cholesky factorization can be improved. This is accomplished by means of efficient codes which operate on very small dense matri...
The sparse Cholesky factorization of some large matrices can require a two dimensional partitioning of the matrix. The sparse hypermatrix storage scheme produces a recursive 2D par...
The emergence and continuing use of multi-core architectures require changes in the existing software and sometimes even a redesign of the established algorithms in order to take ...
Emmanuel Agullo, Bilel Hadri, Hatem Ltaief, Jack D...
Abstract--This paper proposes an analytical model to estimate the cost of running an affinity-based thread schedule on multicore systems. The model consists of three submodels to e...
GPU-based heterogeneous clusters continue to draw attention from vendors and HPC users due to their high energy efficiency and much improved single-node computational performance...