We explore tradeoffs between different reception strategies of multiple receive antennas in fading channels with co-channel interference (CCI). Our tradeoff analysis is based on ou...
Background: Intrinsic fluctuations due to the stochastic nature of biochemical reactions can have large effects on the response of biochemical networks. This is particularly true ...
David Adalsteinsson, David McMillen, Timothy C. El...
The Internet presents numerous sources of useful information--telephone directories, product catalogs, stock quotes, event listings, etc. Recently, many systems have been built th...
We studied a supplier selection problem, where a buyer, while facing random demand, is to decide ordering quantities from a set of suppliers with different yields and prices.We pr...
In computer networks, the Strict Priority (SP) discipline is perhaps the most common and simplest method to schedule packets from different classes of applications, each with diver...