The circular chromatic number of a graph is a well-studied refinement of the chromatic number. Circular-perfect graphs is a superclass of perfect graphs defined by means of this...
Determining the cardinality and describing the structure of H-free graphs is wellinvestigated for many graphs H. In the nineties, Prömel and Steger proved that for a graph H with...
Previous studies on multi-instance learning typically treated instances in the bags as independently and identically distributed. The instances in a bag, however, are rarely indep...
Given a directed acyclic graph with timing constraints, the budget management problem is to assigntoeachvertexanincrementaldelaysuchthatthesumofthesedelaysismaximizedwithoutviolati...
We prove that there is an absolute constant C > 0 so that for every natural n there exists a trianglefree regular graph with no independent set of size at least C n log n.