This paper studies the Turing degrees of various properties defined for universal numberings, that is, for numberings which list all partial-recursive functions. In particular pro...
: User-defined data types such as intervals require specialized access methods to be efficiently searched and queried. As database implementors cannot provide appropriate index str...
Christoph Brochhaus, Jost Enderle, Achim Schlosser...
Abstract. Set-valued attributes are convenient to model complex objects occurring in the real world. Currently available database systems support the storage of set-valued attribut...
Mikolaj Morzy, Tadeusz Morzy, Alexandros Nanopoulo...
We prove that any countable index, universally measurable subgroup of a Polish group is open. By consequence, any universally measurable homomorphism from a Polish group into the i...
Abstract. If L is a finite relational language then all computable Lstructures can be effectively enumerated in a sequence {An}n∈ω in such a way that for every computable L-st...