We analyze the persistence of information on the web, looking at the percentage of invalid URLs contained in academic articles within the CiteSeer (ResearchIndex) database. The nu...
Steve Lawrence, Frans Coetzee, Gary William Flake,...
preferred abstracting and indexing databases to full text. Librarians and information professionals want the choice to be able to purchase subject orientated packages of electronic...
This paper briefly presents the ISA project that addresses the issue of how argumentation processes can be supported by providing textual information from document databases. The ...
Tuning tools attempt to configure a database to achieve optimal performance for a given workload. Selecting an optimal set of physical structures is computationally hard since it ...
Ioannis Alagiannis, Debabrata Dash, Karl Schnaitte...
There is an increasing need to integrate spatial index structures into commercial database management systems. In geographic information systems (GIS), huge amounts of information ...