
12 search results - page 1 / 3
» Indri at TREC 2007: Million Query (1MQ) Track
13 years 8 months ago
Indri at TREC 2007: Million Query (1MQ) Track
This work details the experiments carried out using the Indri search engine for the ad hoc retrieval task in the TREC 2007 Million Query Track. We investigate using proximity feat...
Xing Yi, James Allan
13 years 8 months ago
DUTIR at TREC 2007 Enterprise Track
This paper describes our experiments on the two tasks of the TREC 2007 Enterprise track. In data preprocessing stage we stripped the non-letter character from documents and query....
Jianmei Chen, Hui Ren, Linhong Xu, Hongfei Lin, Zh...
13 years 8 months ago
DUTIR at TREC 2007 Genomics Track
This paper describes our experiments on TREC 2007 Genomics Track which is concerned with question answering extraction from full-text biomedical literatures. In our experiment, na...
Zhihao Yang, Hongfei Lin, Baojin Cui, Yanpeng Li, ...
13 years 8 months ago
Exploring Traits of Adjectives to Predict Polarity Opinion in Blogs and Semantic Filters in Genomics
: This paper presents the results of our team in the Genomics and Blog tracks in TREC 2007. We used the language model implementation provided by Indri for both tracks. For the BLO...
Miguel E. Ruiz, Ying Sun, Jianqiang Wang, Hongfang...
13 years 8 months ago
Lucene and Juru at TREC 2007: 1-Million Queries Track
Lucene is an increasingly popular open source search library. However, our experiments of search quality for TREC data and evaluations for out-of-the-box Lucene indicated inferior...
Doron Cohen, Einat Amitay, David Carmel