Large-scale parallel computing is relying increasingly on clusters with thousands of processors. At such large counts of compute nodes, faults are becoming common place. Current t...
Arun Babu Nagarajan, Frank Mueller, Christian Enge...
Personal Health (pHealth) sensor networks are generally used to monitor the wellbeing of both athletes and the general public to inform health specialists of future and often seri...
A large scale public health emergency such as an epidemic (occurring naturally or due to a bioterrorism attack) can result in an overwhelming number of human casualties. This can ...
The Health-e-Waterways Project is a collaboration between the University of Queensland, Microsoft Research and the South East Queensland Healthy Waterways Partnership (SEQ-HWP) (a...
Abdulmonem Alabri, Jane Hunter, Catharine van Inge...
Carers are people who look after family, partners or friends who could not manage without them because of frailness, illness or disability. Our contribution is to show the potenti...