Cloth modeling and recognition is an important and challenging problem in both vision and graphics tasks, such as dressed human recognition and tracking, human sketch and portrait...
Reliable 3D tracking is still a difficult task. Most parametrized 3D deformable models rely on the accurate extraction of image features for updating their parameters, and are pro...
Christian Vogler, Zhiguo Li, Atul Kanaujia, Siome ...
Abstract. Figure/ground assignment is a key step in perceptual organization which assigns contours to one of the two abutting regions, providing information about occlusion and all...
Abstract. We present a novel computational framework for characterizing signal in brain images via nonlinear pairing of critical values of the signal. Among the astronomically larg...
Moo K. Chung, Vikas Singh, Peter T. Kim, Kim M....
We present a novel method for the automatic detection and segmentation of (sub-)cortical gray matter structures in 3-D magnetic resonance images of the human brain. Essentially, th...
Michael Wels, Yefeng Zheng, Gustavo Carneiro, M...