A fundamental concern of information integration in an XML context is the ability to embed one or more source documents in a target document so that (a) the target document confor...
Philip Bohannon, Wenfei Fan, Michael Flaster, P. P...
This paper presents an interactive visualization toolkit for navigating and analyzing the National Science Foundation (NSF) funding information. Our design builds upon an improved...
We introduce a new graph cut for clustering which we call the Information Cut. It is derived using Parzen windowing to estimate an information theoretic distance measure between p...
Robert Jenssen, Deniz Erdogmus, Kenneth E. Hild II...
We consider two-player games with imperfect information and quantitative objective. The game is played on a weighted graph with a state space partitioned into classes of indistingu...
This paper presents an interactive visualization toolkit for navigating and analyzing the National Science Foundation (NSF) funding information. Our design builds upon the treemap...