Emergency management and planning often involves multiple domain experts with diverse knowledge backgrounds and responsibilities. Current practices in emergency management and pla...
Twarql is an infrastructure translating microblog posts from Twitter as Linked Open Data in real-time. The approach employed in Twarql can be summarized as follows: (1) extract co...
Pablo N. Mendes, Alexandre Passant, Pavan Kapanipa...
Knowledge sharing across community boundaries has been discussed in literature as an important source of new knowledge and innovation. Different studies point out the difficulties...
Groups of users often have shared information needs – for example, business colleagues need to conduct research relating to joint projects and students must work together on gro...
Meredith Ringel Morris, Jarrod Lombardo, Daniel Wi...
Information visualization leverages the human visual system to support the process of sensemaking, in which information is collected, organized, and analyzed to generate knowledge...